Are You Hiding from God’s Word?

In the modern world, where the digital age provides endless distractions, it has become increasingly easy to avoid confronting life’s deeper questions and, for those of a religious bent, God’s Word. Whether it’s by watching the latest Netflix series or scrolling through social media, the chance to hide from the probing depths of spiritual teaching is ever-present. The question to ponder is, are you actively or passively hiding from God’s Word, and if so, why?

The Various Ways We Hide

Hiding from God’s Word doesn’t necessarily mean actively avoiding church, Bible study, or spiritual discussions. It can manifest in subtler ways: cherry-picking passages that fit one’s preferred world view, closing oneself off to the transformative message it offers, or giving it superficial attention but not allowing it to penetrate the heart and change one’s life.

Emotional Barriers

Some of us hide behind emotional barriers, using our past hurt and skepticism as shields against the power of the Word. This could be due to previous negative experiences with religious institutions or individuals, making it difficult to approach God’s Word with an open heart.

Intellectual Barriers

Others may use intellectual objections as their chosen form of hiding. While questioning and scrutiny are vital for a mature faith, they can also be used as a convenient escape route, to avoid the moral and spiritual challenges presented in the Word.

Practical Barriers

Then there are those who cite lack of time, being busy with work, family, and social commitments as reasons for their disengagement. While these are valid challenges, they often serve as a mask for a deeper reluctance to face God’s Word.

The Consequences of Hiding

When we hide from God’s Word, we are not merely avoiding a text but a source of wisdom and guidance that can be transformative. The Word offers teachings that can comfort, challenge, and enlighten, providing a moral compass and a way to understand the world and our place in it.

Taking the Next Step

Recognizing that we may be hiding is the first step toward a richer, more authentic spiritual life. Here are some tips to overcome this hurdle:

  1. Be Honest with Yourself: Before one can stop hiding, one has to admit to doing so. Self-awareness is crucial.

  2. Consult Trusted Sources: Speak with spiritual mentors, read reputable theological works, and attend study sessions to challenge and deepen your understanding.

  3. Pray for Guidance: Whether or not you believe in the power of prayer, asking for help or clarity can have psychological benefits and can be a way of opening oneself to new experiences.

  4. Engage Actively: Don’t just read the Word; interact with it. Ask questions, make notes, and discuss it with others.

  5. Practice Humility: Recognize that no one, including yourself, has all the answers. The search for spiritual truth is a journey that requires humility and open-mindedness.

It may be uncomfortable to face this challenge head-on, but the rewards—peace of mind, a sense of purpose, and a deeper relationship with the Divine—are well worth the effort. Instead of hiding from God’s Word, let us find refuge in it, using it as a tool for personal and communal transformation.

In closing, it’s worth noting that the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible has been a source of inspiration for millions over the centuries. The eloquence and depth of its passages have spoken to the hearts of people from various walks of life. One KJV inspirational verse that can serve as a cornerstone when contemplating the topic of hiding from God’s Word is found in Jeremiah 29:13:

“Ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.”

This verse reminds us that the endeavor to understand God’s Word is not merely an intellectual exercise but a journey of the heart. When we fully commit to seeking the wisdom it offers, we open ourselves to profound spiritual transformation. So, instead of hiding from God’s Word, let’s lean into it, find comfort in it, and allow it to guide us on our individual and collective spiritual journeys.